In this square are the Parcent gardens. The square occupies the space where Parcent's palace used to be, of which we see in the image the old doorway, which now serves as the entrance to the gardens.

The garden has four circular fountains, one in each corner, with female sculptures.

In the middle of the seventeenth century, Diego Martínez Ponce de Urrana built the Chapel of Communion, which José Vergara will decorate, between the years 1779-1784, with some frescoes.

The part of the head of the church overlooks the Market Square. This part was treated as one more facade and was built from 1700 to 1713. It has a terrace under which the so-called Covetes de Sant Joan (Covachas de San Juan) were located, which are semi-basements where small shops were located and that they are currently bricked up.

The interior is overflowing Baroque, with statues by Jacobo Bertessi, and the vault was painted by Antonio Palomino to have it ready on Saint John's Day in 1701. Luis López, son of the painter Vicente López, carried out a restoration of the frescoes in 1861.

The main altarpiece is that of the missing church of Asunción de Betolaza (Álava), which was brought to the church of Santos Juanes in 1969.

The Market Square is located in the old suburb of La Boatella. Jaime I granted a privilege in 1261 for a permanent market to be installed here.

The square was used to organize jousts and shows like those carried out by Alfonso the Magnanimous. It was also the place of executions since the beginning of the 15th century (the gallows was located here). It also served, from 1400 to 1859, to celebrate bullfights.

The photo shows us the place in the Market Square where Palafox Street begins.

In 1840 the convents of Las Magdalenas and La Merced were demolished. On the site of the Magdalenas Convent, the New Market was built, an open building made of wood and iron. The Central Market would later be built on this same site.

This street is so named because breakage occurred here (trencar comes from the verb=break) of the old Muslim wall, to communicate with the market, which was on the outside.

It was the first paved street in all Valencia in 1766. The streets were usually ground, except the call of the Escalones de la Lonja.

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