The most frequent trees in section VIII are privets, poplars, wool trees and maples.

In the area closest to the Exposition bridge there is a football field.

In total, the Turia Garden is about 9 km. long, but some sections are poorly maintained.

This square is so named because the Crespi de Valldaura family lived here for a time, a family of nobles who accompanied Jaime I in the conquest of Valencia.

In this square is the Official College of Property Administrators of Valencia.

The building on the right was the headquarters of the Círculo de Bellas Artes, located in a 15th century Gothic palace that belonged to José Ruiz de Lihory, Barón de Alcahalí.

The Círculo de Bellas Artes was founded in 1894 and artists such as Joaquín Agrasot (one of its promoters), Ignacio Pinazo, Joaquín Sorolla, Francisco Lozano, Genaro Lahuerta, etc. have belonged to it. Its headquarters were in various places. In 2003 he moved to this palace on Cadirers Street, where he stayed until 2016.

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